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The PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) Education at Woodside prepares children for life, helping them have a self-awareness of who they truly are and understand and give them a sense of belonging in this  ever-changing world. The curriculum, that is accessible to all, develops the children into global citizens, with the relevant skill set to flourish now and later in life. Woodside wants all pupils to be effective thinkers and be able to confidently face challenges in a successful way. We facilitate the development of these skills by encouraging and teaching children how to build resilience, determination, independence and awareness of their own mental and physical health. By doing this, we allow our pupils to improve their emotional awareness, self-respect, concentration and focus. Throughout their school journey, Woodside will provide pupils the opportunity to learn about different cultures and become tolerant, understanding and respectful to all in a diverse society. Pupils are taught how to be effective communicators and how to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that they could face throughout their life.

Please download the documents below for further information on our PSHE curriculum.